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La Fondazione

Dove tutto ebbe inizio……

La citta’ di pitagora rinasce dalle ceneri, per irrompere nelle nostre vite e nelle nostre menti con la cultura e con la scienza, con la storia, la matematica, la filosofia, la medicina, l’astronomia, la legislatura, il teatro, la letteratura, l’arte militare e lo sport.

Una svolta epocale per i crotoniati e per un territorio martoriato dalla poverta’, dall’abbandono, dalla fuga dei suoi figli e da una perenne e ormai cronica diseconomia.

Where it all began…..

The Ionian coast of southern Italy rises from the ashes to influence our lives and minds with culture and science, history, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, law, theater, literature, military arts, and sports.

An epochal turning point for the people of a region plagued by poverty, abandonment, and economic hardship. This is an unparalleled opportunity to grow and show the international community that this once desolate land was home to figures who laid the foundations of modern Western culture.

Magna Grecia Park represents an engine for economic development, cultural tourism, and social and human redemption, offering immense opportunities for cultural and economic growth.

Where it all began… and where it all must be again!