Luigi Domenico Arcuri


Avvocato, consulente di amministrazioni pubbliche, di aziende nazionali e multinazionali. Esperto in assistenza alle aziende, in M&A ed in operazioni straordinarie.

Amministratore di società pubbliche in differenti settori e già Vicepresidente della Fondazione Banco di Napoli, di Origine Bancaria, con esperienza maturata nel settore finanziario e della progettualità complessa.

Alessandro Cuomo

Vice President

Avvocato, che ha posto a disposizione l’esperienza maturata nel settore M&A in favore di aziende operanti in diversi campi.

Esperta manager alla guida di un importante gruppo che opera nel settore energetico ed ambientale.

Francesco Morelli

Board Director

Imprenditore attento alla formazione dei giovani, cui dedica, attraverso l’insegnamento, parte della sua vita. Presidente di Cai Service Group S.P.A., rilevante azienda operante nel settore multiservizi ed in quello sanitario.

Presidente di Confindustria Crotone, con esperienza maturata alla guida di più enti strumentali, promossi dal locale sistema confindustriale.


The Scientific Committee, provided for by art. 13 and regulated by art. 22 of the Statute of the MGPK Foundation, is a technical-consultative body that offers directions and opinions on matters of interest to the same Foundation. It was established on 12/10/2024 and is composed of the following members:

Dr. Luigi Domenico Arcuri (President, as provided for by art. 22 of the Foundation’s Statute), Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor, President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Crotone from 2013 to 2022, has held and holds the role of Auditor as well as President and Member of the Boards of Auditors in numerous companies, has held and holds the role of Liquidator, has been Judicial Administrator and Technical Consultant for the Court of Crotone and for the Provincial Tax Commission of Crotone.

Dr. Domenico Introcaso, legal advisor to the bicameral Anti-Mafia Commission of Inquiry of the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as Extraordinary Commissioner of the Higher Institute of Legal Studies “C. Arturo Jemolo”, (Lazio Region Institution). He was an ordinary magistrate in Olbia, Cosenza, Rome, Catanzaro, President of the Court of Paola from 2008 to 2014 and President of the Court of Appeals of Catanzaro from 2014 to 2022.

Prof. Gino Mirocle Crisci, Professor Emeritus, Professor from 2000 to 2020 at the University of Calabria, held the role of Director of the Department of Earth Sciences and first Director of DIBEST (Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences). He was Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences for two terms and Rector of the University of Calabria in the six years 2013-2019. For more than twenty years, he chaired the CAMS (Center for Arts, Music, and Entertainment) of Unical and was also president of Harmonic Innovation Hub, an ecosystem of skills for innovation in Southern Italy, of Harmonic Innovation Research and of the Technological District of Cultural Heritage in Calabria.

Prof. Giovanni Cuda, Rector of the University of Magna Grecia of Catanzaro, and Professor of Molecular Biology since 2010. Head of the Research Center of Biochemistry and Advanced Molecular Biology, Coordinator of the Research Commission and President of the University Patents and Technology Transfer Commission, Scientific Director of the Biomedpark@UMG 2.0 Regional Research Infrastructure and Member of the MIUR Commission for the drafting of the National Research Plan (PNR).

Prof. Franco Ernesto Rubino, Professor of Business Economics since 2005, as well as Director of the Department of Business and Legal Sciences of the University of Calabria. He is President of the Higher Education School of the Orders of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Calabria and Basilicata. He is a Tax Judge at the Provincial Tax Court of Justice of Cosenza. He is a Member of the Commission of the Ministry of Economy and Finance for International Accounting Standards for Auditing (ISA).

Prof. Stefania Mancuso, President of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro and Contract Professor of Classical Archaeology and Park and Museum Education at the University of Calabria and of The Contemporaneity of the Ancient at IULM in Milan. Her research activities were conducted at the University of Calabria, where she was a researcher of Classical Archaeology and research fellow, and her professional activities carried out in collaboration with the Superintendencies of the territory have focused on the themes of Classical Archaeology and Magna Graecia with reference also to the scope of enhancement. She has collaborated in the installations of various parks and museums in Calabria and has conducted and coordinated research projects at a national and international level (Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, and France).